Sunday, August 17, 2014

Officially A Toddler

Since the little man has grown very fast at 15 months, we have started to declutter and to let go of his baby items.  We let to of his wooden crib which I loved, but do not need anymore.  

     His last day on his crib before it was sent off.

We let go of his playpen where he slept when we brought him home from the hospital.  It was also one of the first things we bought him when I was still pregnant. He doesn't like staying and playing inside it anymore.

We also let go of his infant car seat.  He is now more comfortable sitting on my lap when we go off on a drive.  We have to switch to the toddler car seat soon.

     TB photo at 3 months.

We also let go of his first stroller.
Even if I love it to bits and Gavin loves it as well, we have a better, simpler, but 
smaller stroller which suits us now.

    Gavin at 1 month at Tagaytay, his first out of town trip. Hindi niya kamuka.

As they say, letting go is not an easy task.  However, I firmly believe that these are all but material things.  We had great memories using each and everyone of them, but we need room for items that we really need now.  Times have changed, his needs have changed as well.

I hope that when G grows up, he will learn not to be attached to material things.  I hope that like me, he will feel easy to let go even of his prized possessions, as material things are fleeting.  What matters most are people, time, memories :)

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