Friday, May 3, 2013

Gavin's NICU Adventure

Gavin was sent straight to the Huggery after my CS delivery.
In the recovery room, I asked if they can already bring the baby to me, but the nurses said that he is still under observation.  Seven hours after his birth, he developed signs of a lung infection - fast respiratory rate, chest refractions, etc.  His blood tests were quite high and the xray showed the presence of pneumonia in his right lung.  He was quickly transferred to the NICU for treatment.

Gavin's first few hours at the Huggery

Noel was visiting him every 3 hours even through the wee hours of the morning.  I was only able to visit him a day after the operation.  It was a surreal experience seeing my son for the first time.  However, it was another thing seeing him with all of the wires attached to his body - ecg, respiratory rate measurement, oxygen rate measurement, dextrose IV, feeding tube, phytotherapy lights etc.  It was a sight that was painful to see.  His breathing was also quite fast and the chest refractions were really deep.  For the first time, I wished that all of the difficulty that he's experiencing can just be passed on to me or his daddy.

Kawawa :(

After 5 days, the oxygen supply was already stopped as well as the phototherapy.  He was also able to transfer to a normal bassinet from then on :) The next day, the feeding tube was already taken out and feeding was done via the bottle the whole time.  We were able to do some kangaroo care and try direct breastfeeding by then.  Most importantly, the respiratory rate stabilized and his chest refractions were not present anymore.  This was the only time that both Noel and I were able to give a sigh of relief.  At last, Gavin is on his way to recovery.

Yahooooo Feeling A Lot Better

Today, 8 days after, he is just finishing his final dosages of his antibiotics.
He's already feeding on demand and was already downgraded to intermediate care.
Hopefully, he can go home with us tomorrow <3
Fingers Crossed XoXo

Practice Carrying In Preparation for Going Home...fingers crossed

PS I am forever grateful to his neonatologist, Dra. Colasito and to all the loving nurses at Asian Hospital's NICU who have tirelessly taken care of our baby and who have welcomed us with open hours round the clock.  Our son would not recovered well without everyone's help :)

Days After

Just want to say that the whole CS journey was painful the first 24 hours but it became bearable afterwards.  When the oxytocin drip was finished off, the tummy pain became lesser.  I followed friends' advice to be mobile the day after the operation.  I did just that, not just for the pain, but also to see the baby at the NICU.  I was able to stand up and walk short distances the day after.  After 2 days, I was already able to walk longer distances without any wheelchair help.  There was still some amount of pain especially whenever I sit down and stand up, nothing that any woman cannot handle.

I was also amazed about the wonders of medicine.  The day after the operation, my doctor already changed my dressing to Tegaderm which is a water proof seal with gauze inside to make sure that the incision remains in place even if you take a shower.  This enabled me to take a bath at feeling ever :) 

Overall, I really thought that having a CS delivery is dreadful with the pain that comes with its post-op recovery.  It was not really that bad afterall.

Normaly Delivery Fail...Getting ready for the CS Delivery w Daddy

Baby Out

24 Hours After...was able to walk inside the room

48 Hours After, was able to walk longer distances outisde the room