Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Visit To The Doctor

Gavin, my mom and I visited the pedia's clinic today.  He was set to get another dose of rota virus and the five in one shot.  Nangingilala na si bulilit. He let out a cry when he saw Dra. Carmela's face when she was weighing and measuring him.  She said that it's good though, for it means that he can already recognize and remember familiar faces.  Gavin was also amused with the rubber duckie...reminded me of the theme of my baby shower...maybe he can somewhat remember :)

He now weighs almost 7 kilos and is 65 cms long.  Time flew by so fast, he was only 48 cm when he was born.  

At home na at home siya at the doctor's clinic! We all held him down for the injection, but he barely cried...so unlike his me with my tremendous fear of needles, hahahaha! Brave boy pala! Here he is waiting for the shot and during the shot, parang deadma lang.

The pedia reminded not to make him watch tv and the iPad.  It will not help in any way developmentally  at this point.  She also recommended putting the mattress on the floor.

We were also given the green light to introducing real food to the little one, oatmeal, porridge, banana, apple and the likes.  Must learn how to do our own tasty baby food ASAP.

I'm happy with our pedia, Dra. Carmela De Lara (Asian Hospital & Pque Med) because she doesn't have long lines during weekdays and she is really good with kids.  Glad that I came across her clinic by chance 4 months ago.  Happy happy joy joy that I made the right pedia switch :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there :) is dr. Carmela still the pedia of your baby? I'm planning to switch to a new pedia for my baby.
